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Heston Primary School Early Help Offer


Heston Primary School is committed to supporting our families to access services, which meet their needs and help families to manage the difficult times. Below is a list of services, which the school commissions, or works in partnership with to deliver an excellent offer of support for a wide range of needs.



Types of issues that the service could help with

Contact details

EHH- Early Help Hounslow

Variety of support services including Family support workers to support families with parenting,

Parenting issues, managing the needs of a young family, SEN needs, mental health needs, financial support

Information here access to service via Senior Leadership Team

Family support worker information here

IASS- SEN support

Support for families struggling with the needs of SEN pupils

Respite, parenting, understanding the EHCP process, understanding local practice, Travel assistance for SEN pupils


020 8583 2607

MHST- Mental Health Support Service

Parenting support for managing poor behaviour at home and anxiety and low mood

Poor behaviour at home, struggling with routines, anxiety or low mood

Information here

Access to service via Senior Leadership Team

CADA- Children Affected by Domestic Abuse

Services available for families to move past domestic abuse

Children’s support to help children understand and manage the difficulties of witnessing domestic abuse, support for parents after domestic abuse

Booklet here with all the information regarding the service

Access to service via Senior Leadership Team

Hounslow One stop Shop

Domestic abuse support services

Safety planning, financial and housing advice, covering your tracks online

Hounslow One Stop Shop (Every Wednesday 10am-12pm)

Hounslow Arts Centre,

1st Floor,

Treaty Centre,

High Street,



Play therapy services-Chance Arts and Valley Trust

Support for children to manage mental health concerns in school, 6-8 sessions of support for a child in school

Regular weekly sessions with a trained therapist to manage grief, loss, anxiety, stress, depression, social needs

Via the school senior leadership team








EWO service- TEAM EWS

Support for families struggling with attendance and punctuality issues

Regular meetings to help families access the right services and support to address low attendance



Via the school office

Access to service via Senior Leadership Team

School PSA- Mrs Budd

Support with managing a wide range of needs in school and at home

Low mood, school avoidance, social issues, family breakdown, grief, financial concerns

Via the school office

Access to service via Senior Leadership Team


Adolescent mental health support for pupils aged 11+

Support for pupils to manage low level mental health needs


Food Banks and local charities

Support for families to manage the cost of living crisis

Referrals for food bank packages and other parcels of clothes etc

Via the senior leadership team


Medical diagnosis and therapeutic services 

Referrals for behaviour, developmental concerns and mental health issues

Via the SENco Simon O’Grady Information is here

Educational Psychology

Support in school for children and staff

Referrals for behaviour, developmental concerns, mental health or suspected diagnosis of condition (such as Autism or ADHD)

Via the SENco Simon O’Grady

Physical and SENSS disability Team

Support for children, families and staff of children who have physical or sensory medical needs- seen in school

Referrals for hearing loss, sight loss, physical disabilities, medical conditions

Via the SENco Simon O’Grady

Laidlaw Learning Support service

Assessment of possible learning needs

Referrals for children who have issues with learning

Via the SENco Simon O’Grady

Speech and Language support

Support for children in school for speech or language concerns

Referrals to work in school with a qualified speech and language therapist when here are issues with speech, understanding or expression

Via the school SENco Simon O’ Grady

Information on the service here

London Children’s Practice is commissioned by Heston Primary

Occupational therapy

Support for children in school with an occupational therapist

Referrals to work with children where there are sensory, physical, or behaviour needs

School Nursing Team

Medical support for all families is available to ensure that pupils can access the right services

Bed wetting/toileting issues, emotional health, growth and development concerns for children over the age of 5

Via the school office



020 3691 1012

Health Visitor Team

Medical support for all families is available to ensure that pupils can access the right services

Sleeping, eating issues, developmental concerns, for children under the age of 5

 Self referral



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